Bunjang Order

We Buy and Ship

Bunjang’s Official Proxy Buying Partner

* Items accepting BUNJANG PAY are only supported for secure purchase.

* The item price includes Bunjang security fee.

* Processing time: 24-36 business hours, subject to delay based on seller's speed in price negotiation and confirmation.


$ 300

  • - Item Price

    $ 11.75

  • - Handling Fee

    $ 11.75

  • Inspection is included

  • - Payment Processing Fee

    $ 11.75

  • - Domestic Shipping

    $ 11.75

  • Higher bid price order confirm

    I confirm my intention if the seller offers a higher bid than the listed price, Opt out if you do not approve. Opt out if you do not approve.

* You can upload an image of a specific item to help us verify the item you wish to buy.


How It Works

Purchasing with Delivered Korea is as easy as it gets!

Copy & past the item URL to 'We Buy and Ship' order from.

Pay at Delivered Korea to handle your order on your behalf.

Combine your packages and save big on worldwide shipping